
Die fünfte Generation

NameSchmeddings Clarabella
Rufname „Jette“
geboren am08.09.1999
bei Schmeddings
gestorbenJuni 2014
VaterNörenbers Harkon
MutterWiva von der Maikottenhöhe
Rheinlandschau Bonn 07.10.2000Beurteilung:

A nicely balanced 13 month old bitch.Lovely head and a gentle expression. She has a lovely reach of neck but it needs better trimming. Good shoulder placings, level topline and good tailset, Good angulation, moved well. Very nice matured body for her age. Well handled.

Beurteilung "Excellent"

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Münsterlandschau Beckum 18.06.2000


A nicely balanced 13 month old bitch.Lovely head and a gentle expression. She has a lovely reach of neck but it needs better trimming. Good shoulder placings, level topline and good tailset, Good angulation, moved well. Very nice matured body for her age. Well handled.

Beurteilung "Excellent"

Feststellung der Wesensveranlagung in Beckum 23./24.09.2000Keine zuchtausschließende Wesensschwächen

Meldung zur Zuchtzulassung möglich

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Zuchtzulassung 11.11.2000HD-Befund B

ED-Befund 0/0

Augen-Befund HC/RD/PRA frei

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